Individual Benefits
- Companies that switch to one of the carriers from the arrangements are likely to receive a better rate than their current tariff.
- Companies already working with one of the carriers from the arrangements will see their purchasing power grow as the transport arrangements fill up. The success of the arrangements depends on the performance of the selected carriers. If their performance falls short, CAST Logistics is in a position to hold them accountable.
- In some cases, it may not yet be beneficial for companies to switch to one of the carriers in the arrangement. However, the introduction of these transport arrangements has already created “dynamics” in the market, and with the steady growth in volume, CAST Logistics’ propositions continue to improve.
- You can also easily join innovative logistics projects, where services are tested through pilot programs. CAST encourages its exhibitors and members to participate in such innovations, allowing us to collectively build new opportunities with greater impact.
- You can receive first-line logistics advice. During a consultation with a CAST Logistics advisor, you can discuss your logistics situation at all levels. Based on market developments, available options, and experience, they can provide tailored advice. For larger logistics projects, CAST Logistics has a network of specialists available at significantly reduced rates, offering customized solutions.
Collective Benefits
- The bundling of transport flows helps prevent city centers from becoming congested and contributes to reducing CO₂ emissions. CAST Logistics thus assumes its social responsibility on behalf of its members.
- In line with this, CAST Logistics engages in dialogue with (local) authorities regarding distribution challenges. By thinking along, participating in discussions, and proactively proposing initiatives, we stay ahead of cost-increasing regulations and safeguard our future distribution.
- Retail sales disruptions due to deliveries are minimized, as there will be just one carrier per day instead of five arriving at different times. Additionally, innovations such as taking back packaging waste will significantly enhance service for your customers.
- The increased purchasing power allows us to request additional services from logistics providers and ensures that our industry’s needs are met. This strengthens our position in the turbulent logistics sector, which is constantly affected by acquisitions, bankruptcies, and mergers.
Schedule a Meeting
Your logistics cost savings and service improvements start with a conversation with CAST Logistics. Contact us to schedule an appointment: email info@castlogistics.nl or call 088-9910099.